11th Anniversary Sahabat Insurance

Terakhir Diubah : 14:23:35 - Jumat, 27 Mei 2022

Berita - 11th Anniversary Sahabat Insurance - Sahabat Insurance | Solusi Lengkap Perlindungan Asuransi Anda

PT Asuransi Sahabat Artha Proteksi (Sahabat Insurance) was formerly known as PT Bess Central Insurance and has been established since September 4, 1996, at the time named as PT AIOI Indonesia. On March 25, 2011, PT Asuransi Central Asia took over all shares from PT AIOI Indonesia who carried out the merger and transferred its assets and liabilities to PT Asuransi MSIG Indonesia.
New shareholders entered along with PT Asuransi Central Asia. In conjunction with the change in the shareholders structure, it was decided that PT AIOI Indonesia to change its name to PT Bess Central Insurance on May 26, 2011, after obtaining the Decree of the Minister of Finance Number KEP- 420/KM.10/2011.
The single presence policy regulation released by Otoritas Jasa Keuangan in 2018 states that the primary entity in the insurance industry may only hold one life insurance or general insurance company. The primary entity is required to merge or divesting shares if there is more than one life insurance or general insurance company. On this basis, PT Asuransi Central Asia decided to transfer its share ownership in the company, accompanied by several new shareholders in early 2020.
For this reason, the company decided to change its name to PT Asuransi Sahabat Artha Proteksi as stated in the Board of Commissioners Regulation from Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Number KEP-131/NB.11/2020 on March 31, 2020.

index.Other News

Tas hilang saat travelling! Apa saja yang harus dilakukan?

You’ve just gotten off the plane and you’re in a new country, ready for an amazing vacation! But time passes and the bags from your flight is missing.  Do not panic. Here are the steps you must take if you lose your items while on vacation abroad:

Report to the nearest police station
Immediately report it to the nearest police station. Although the item may not necessarily be found, at least you will get a loss certificate which of course you really need for an insurance claim.

Come to the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI)

If the lost item is a passport, immediately go to the local Indonesian Embassy (KBRI) or the local Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) to arrange for making a Passport-like Travel Letter (SPLP) as a passport replacement.

Insurance claim
The next step is to make a claim to the insurance. Contact Travel Insurance Sahabat Insurance and prepare the required documents, including: boarding pass/ticket, passport, loss certificate from the police, receipt of the claimed item (if not available, then include information on the type of item and the price of the item claimed), Travel Letter Like a passport and receipt for making a new passport if the lost passport is. Documents that must be completed may vary depending on your claim needs. Immediately complete the documents requested by the insurance so that you can get an insurance claim quickly.
For Travel Insurance, please call Sahabat Insurance 021-50508080.