Car engine sizes: What you need to know

Terakhir Diubah : 10:17:29 - Selasa, 23 Agustus 2022

Berita - Car engine sizes: What you need to know - Sahabat Insurance | Solusi Lengkap Perlindungan Asuransi Anda

A key area to consider before purchasing a new car is engine size; the size of a car engine will have a large impact on the performance, economy and value of a vehicle. But what does engine size mean and how should it affect your willingness to purchase a car? Here, we’ll take a look at what engine size means and why size doesn’t always matter!Engine size is the volume of fuel and air that can be pushed through a car’s cylinders and is measured in cubic centimetres (cc).

Car engine sizes are normally specified in litres, which is rounded up to the nearest tenth of a litre.As you can likely imagine, larger engines with an increased capacity for fuel and air require more fuel than smaller engines. This is especially true if you’re quick to accelerate or drive at maximum speeds on long motorway journeys.

Engine capacity is the volume of all the pistons in the engine cylinder as measured by the maximum movement from top to bottom. So, the greater the CC of the vehicle's engine, the greater the power produced.

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5 Tips for Millennial Home Buyers

As true millennials, of course you want to have a home so that you have a bright future with your family.
So if you’re a millennial looking to buy a house, here are five things you can do to make As true millennials, of course you want to have a home so that you have a bright future with your family. Here are some steps you can take to make your dream come true.

1. Check financial ability
First, prepare a balance sheet including income and expenses.

2. Create a budget
Do some research and learn about several possible ways to pay for a house other than the cash payment method. For example mortgages, or by other methods.

3. Set priorities
From an existing financial plan, make priorities so you can focus on one thing. For example, you plan to take a mortgage. So, your first focus is to fulfill the downpayment first.

4. Investment
Investment can help to develop assets against inflation. For example, for a house down payment, set aside 30% of your salary to the appropriate investment instrument. Over time, with consistency, the budget for a home down payment will be fulfilled properly.
Investment can also be an alternative choice for saving emergency funds. You can save this emergency fund in an instrument with a low level of risk.
In addition to an emergency fund, pay attention to insurance, if you are the head of the family. So, make sure that you have complete protection first, then execute your financial plan.

5. Discipline
The discipline to implement a detailed and comprehensive financial plan is very important. For example, keeping your installments under 30% of your regular salary if you take a mortgage scheme is crucial.

Note that 30% includes all existing debt repayments. So, if your main intention is to buy a house, then you should focus on this plan first.

In addition, plans to buy a house require a long-term disciplined commitment. Therefore, start being disciplined in executing your financial plan. With some of the tips above, you can try to realize your dream of buying a house. Good luck!


House Explosion, will my insurance cover the damage?

We will never be able to avoid a disaster, the risk of unpredictability when it occurs. By knowing that the risk will just happen without our expectations, of course we need preparations that we must do to overcome the losses arising from the problem.

Therefore, it is recommended that you have a home, other buildings make sure to use property insurance. This property insurance, can help you with an efficient and economical way to provide protection to every property owned from a variety of risks. FLEXAS stands for Fire, Lightning, Explosion, Aircraft Impact & Smoke.

FLEXAS is a package that you can use to protect against a variety of risks in property insurance. It is unfortunate if the investment held for our support in the future will just disappear due to risks such as Fire, Lightning, Explosion, Fall of Aircraft & Smoke. Finally, we feel something unpleasant and certainly very detrimental.

Here are some explanations regarding FLEXAS guarantees that protect you from various things such as:

Fire (fire)

No one will ever know when a fire can occur in a building we have such as a house or property. Fire caused by a short circuit or electrical short circuit, the spread of fire or heat that arises on its own, or due to the spread of fire from other objects, neighboring houses, tree fires and others or fire due to your own negligence or lack of care, your servant or other people such as fires due to stoves, exploding gas leaks, or cigarette butts and others. the damage caused by efforts to extinguish fires will also be guaranteed by property insurance.


Lightning (Lightning Strike)

Lightning strikes are a terrible thing, because besides being exposed to electric shock, it can also cause our homes to become fires and destroy homes or buildings. No need to worry because property insurance will help you, if your house or building is damaged due to lightning strikes. Property insurance also guarantees the risk of fire caused by electric machinery, electrical or electronic equipment, and electrical installations that are burned because lightning also enters into account.


Explosions can occur at any time, either because someone else intentionally put them in our place or because of our accident, What is meant by an explosion here is the sudden release of energy due to the expansion of steam or gas.

Aircraft Impact (Fall of Airplanes)

You could say that reaching aviation in Indonesia, having enough technology is high, but who can think of everything can happen to ourselves, without being able to know when it happened. The crash of an airplane to cause a fire will be guaranteed by property insurance. With the condition, this happens because of the physical impact of the aircraft or from the contents of the items in the plane that concern the house or property that is insured.

Smoke (Smoke)

Smoke arising from the fire of insured property. So if the smoke caused by a fire causes damage to the house or other property insured, property insurance will guarantee the loss due to the damage.