Car Insurance Protection
Terakhir Diubah : 16:32:57 - Selasa, 25 Januari 2022

We really never know about things that might happen in the future. For that, it is also important that you have protection from various risks, in this case regarding the car, such as the risk of damage to loss. Pity your expensive car is damaged? Moreover, because there is no protection, you also have to pay dearly for the cost of repairing it.
Vehicle insurance is useful to protect you from losses due to accidents. What are some examples of vehicle insurance benefits and protections?
In general, examples of types of car insurance consist of total loss only (TLO) car insurance and all risk (comprehensive) car insurance.
1. Total Loss Only Car Insurance Benefits (Total Loss/TLO Car Insurance)
As the name implies, total loss only (TLO) car insurance offers car insurance benefits in the form of claims that can only be made if there is a total loss. The total loss in question is damage that occurs above 75% or loss due to theft or confiscation. The amount of damage of 75% is used as a benchmark because the car will certainly not be able to be used again.
2. All Risk (Comprehensive) Car Insurance Benefits
All risk insurance is a long-term and comprehensive protection insurance, it protects the vehicle from losses, for example from accidents, other people's evil deeds, fire, and others.
Ask us about vehicle insurance via the WhatsApp chat application or contact us at the Sahabat Insurance call center 021 - 50508080