Car Insurance Protection

Terakhir Diubah : 16:32:57 - Selasa, 25 Januari 2022

Berita - Car Insurance Protection - Sahabat Insurance | Solusi Lengkap Perlindungan Asuransi Anda

We really never know about things that might happen in the future. For that, it is also important that you have protection from various risks, in this case regarding the car, such as the risk of damage to loss. Pity your expensive car is damaged? Moreover, because there is no protection, you also have to pay dearly for the cost of repairing it.

Vehicle insurance is useful to protect you from losses due to accidents. What are some examples of vehicle insurance benefits and protections?

In general, examples of types of car insurance consist of total loss only (TLO) car insurance and all risk (comprehensive) car insurance.

1. Total Loss Only Car Insurance Benefits (Total Loss/TLO Car Insurance)
As the name implies, total loss only (TLO) car insurance offers car insurance benefits in the form of claims that can only be made if there is a total loss. The total loss in question is damage that occurs above 75% or loss due to theft or confiscation. The amount of damage of 75% is used as a benchmark because the car will certainly not be able to be used again.

2. All Risk (Comprehensive) Car Insurance Benefits
All risk insurance is a long-term and comprehensive protection insurance, it protects the vehicle from losses, for example from accidents, other people's evil deeds, fire, and others.

Ask us about vehicle insurance via the WhatsApp chat application or contact us at the Sahabat Insurance call center 021 - 50508080

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5 Reasons People Refuse Insurance

Indonesia is still listed as an underinsured country, this is because there are still many Indonesians who do not have insurance. There are many reasons why Indonesians are lazy to have insurance. Some of these reasons are based on one thing, namely the lack of insurance education for the public. Here are the top 5 reasons why Indonesians are still reluctant to get insurance according to the Insurance Magazine version:

Do not understand
Because insurance is not very popular in the community, many terms are not understood by the Indonesian people, thus causing people to be afraid of being deceived and decide not to have insurance, whether car, health, or life insurance. People's ignorance can actually be overcome if there is education that is easy and simple to understand, sometimes the explanation received by the community from an insurance agent is not explained in simple language.

Too expensive
Insurance is still considered a luxury and out of reach. Whereas the government and private companies have provided several various insurance options and along with the growth of the insurance industry, prices have become very competitive. For example, the price of personal accident insurance can be around Rp. 25,000 (twenty five thousand rupiah) but it can still provide a fairly high protection value. The price of insurance today is much cheaper in the past, maybe even this price is not more expensive than people's spending on mobile phone credit.

There are still other needs
This is very understandable, but make sure that what is meant by other needs are very urgent or primary needs and once you have enough savings, start insurance no matter how small the amount. Because no matter how small the insurance value, it will be very helpful when needed.

“I Will Drive Carefully” (Car Insurance)
Even if you drive very carefully, your car still has the risk of being hit, dented, or other traffic incidents. Therefore, insure your vehicle, so that your financial status remains stable if something happens to the vehicle.

Insurance Claims Must Be Difficult
This point, really depends on the type of insurance company chosen, but in general, if you have read it carefully and understand the insurance policy comprehensively, insurance claims should not be a frightening specter. Therefore, it is highly recommended to consult first with some relatives or experts before buying insurance products.