Does Car Insurance Cover Landslides?

Terakhir Diubah : 09:18:35 - Kamis, 15 Desember 2022

Berita - Does Car  Insurance Cover Landslides? - Sahabat Insurance | Solusi Lengkap Perlindungan Asuransi Anda

Aside from the danger of flooding, heavy rainfall can also lead to mudflow, basically creating a river of mud; and landslides, which are caused by the movement of the destabilized land—due either to gradual erosion or an accumulation of water. Does your auto insurance policy provide coverage for landslides?

Insurance shall not cover any loss of, damage to and/or expense incurred in Motor Vehicle and/or legal liability against any third party directly or indirectly caused by, as a consequence of, resulting from: earthquake, volcanic eruption, windstorm, tempest, tsunami, hail, flood, inundation, landslide or other geological or meteorological symptoms (Motor Vehicle Insurance Standard Policy in Indonesia chapter 2, Exclusion, article 3, point 3.2).

Like flood, however, earthquake and landslide is excluded from standard car insurance policies—you must buy the coverage separately. Please call 021- 50508080 for more information.

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