Sahabat Insurance Raising Insurance Literacy in Pontianak
Terakhir Diubah : 11:15:25 - Rabu, 24 April 2024
Sahabat Insurance raising financial literacy through insurance education in Pontianak
The results of the 2022 survey show that Indonesia's financial literacy index reached 49.68 percent, an increase compared to 38.03 percent in 2019, but there are still many across the country who do not really understand the benefits of financial products and services, one of which is insurance.
Based on these conditions, Sahabat Insurance continues to consistently conduct education to increase insurance literacy and penetration with its annual Business Partners Workshop.
On April 22 2024, Sahabat Insurance held insurance literacy with Sahabat Insurance business partners in Pontianak. Mr Yohanes Rudy - Head of Representative Sahabat Insurance Pontianak has been selected as a distinguished speaker for the esteemed event. This workshop will help current leaders and high-potentials learn about car insurance benefits & coverages.The last session was filled with learning practices about how to protect our asset from risk, protection and implementing other structures that limit an individual's exposure to financial risk.