The difference between Life Insurance and General Insurance

Terakhir Diubah : 13:46:41 - Jumat, 21 Januari 2022

Berita - The difference between Life Insurance and General Insurance - Sahabat Insurance | Solusi Lengkap Perlindungan Asuransi Anda

One of the things that quite a lot makes people confused when they want to have insurance, namely ignorance about the difference between general insurance and life insurance. Here are the different types of insurance:
General Insurance Insurance provides benefits in the form of cash compensation or in the form of compensation for damage to an insured item/goods. Examples of general insurance are home insurance, vehicle insurance, and so on.
Life Insurance Life insurance provides the benefit of a sum of Sum Insured/insurance compensation to the Beneficiary/family/heir of the Insured/insurance participant, if the Insured/insurance participant dies due to health problems, illness or accident, and if there is a health risk to the Insured. #insurancefriends #insurance #friends #tertrust #protection #photo #ınstagood #instalike #instadaily #likeforlikes #tips #quotes #life #wisewords

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Insurance Requirements and Claim Procedures Motor Vehicle Insurance

Did you know, Motor Vehicle Insurance is a type of insurance or coverage that provides a guarantee or protection for loss, damage, loss caused by the risks guaranteed in the Motor Vehicle Insurance policy.
Loss and/or damage to the Motor Vehicle and/or the insured interest which is directly caused by:

  • Collision, impact, tipping over, slipping, or slipping;
  • The evil deeds of others;
  • Theft, including theft that is preceded or accompanied or followed by violence or threats of violence as referred to in Article 362, 363 paragraphs (3), (4), (5) and Article 365 of the Criminal Code;
  • Fires, including:
a. Fire due to fire of other objects adjacent to or storage of Motorized Vehicles;
b. Fire due to lightning strike;
c. Damage due to water and/or other tools used to prevent or extinguish fires;
d. The destruction of all or part of the Motorized Vehicle by order of the competent authority in an effort to prevent the spread of the fire.

Loss and/or damage caused by the above-mentioned events as long as the relevant Motor Vehicle is on board the ship for crossings under the supervision of the Directorate General of Land Transportation, including loss and/or damage caused by the ship in question having an accident.

Insurance Closing Requirements and Procedures Requirements to be insured:
  • Fill out the SPPA, with your  ID card
  •  Have an insurable interest in the object of coverage to be insured
Claim reports are made within a maximum period of 5 x 24 hours after the incident to Sahabat Insurance call center 021-50508080 or via email to [email protected] or visit the nearest Sahabat Insurance Branch Office.

Claim Documents
1. Fill out / complete the claim form
2. Photocopy of insurance policy
3. Photocopy of SIM and STNK
4. Local Police Certificate for vehicle claim in case of partial loss, total loss or involving a third party.

For more information, please see link below
Riplay Motor Vehicle Insurance - Sahabat Insurance

Difference of insurance, savings, investment

What is the difference between insurance, savings and investment? Before we know the difference, it is better if we know the meaning first.

  • According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), insurance is coverage, an agreement between two parties. Meanwhile, the definition of insurance is quoted from the Financial Services Authority (OJK), which is an agreement between an insurance company and a policy holder which is the basis for receiving premiums by insurance companies as compensation in the form of replacing or reducing losses.
  • Meanwhile, the definition of savings as reported by the Financial Services Authority (OJK) is money deposits in banks whose withdrawals can only be made according to certain conditions. Generally, banks will provide a passbook that contains information on all the transactions you have made and an ATM card complete with a personal number (PIN). In its current development, there are several types of savings that no longer use passbooks but internet/mobile banking.
  • Investment is investment, usually in the long term for the procurement of complete assets or the purchase of shares and other securities for profit.

Now, after knowing the meaning, let's see what the difference is:

 1. Insurance is to provide protection against risks that may occur to your assets in the future, savings are a means to save wealth from unused income while investment is an investment of funds in the long term to earn profits.

2. Insurance has an element of necessity because it is bound by a contract in the policy, savings and investment are more flexible and according to the ability of each individual.

3. While the risks that may occur will be protected in insurance according to the terms and conditions in the policy, while the investment risk depends on market conditions.

Well, hopefully this article provides information about insurance, savings and investment. For further inquiries regarding insurance and how to claim, you can contact us at 021-50508080