What to Know About Lending Your Car

Terakhir Diubah : 16:04:43 - Kamis, 23 Juni 2022

Berita - What to Know About Lending Your Car - Sahabat Insurance | Solusi Lengkap Perlindungan Asuransi Anda

There are times you may want to help out a friend, or may not be in a state to drive yourself. It’s normal to want to lend you car, or let someone else drive. But, unfortunately, Vehicle Insurance can deny policyholders’ claims if your friend/family /driver is at fault for the accident or stolen car. Vehicle Insurance can deny your claim if your friend/family/driver were in violation of state law when the accident happened. One example of that would be driving without a valid license. Another is if you were driving while intoxicated.
If the car is lend to a friend, driver or family according to your permission and approval, then when the car is lost, commits a crime or is damaged in an accident, Vehicle Insurance can reject the claim according to the Indonesian Motor Vehicle Insurance Standard Policy Chapter II article 1.3 concerning Exceptions, article theft and/or malicious acts committed by: spouses, children, parents or siblings of the Insured; people working for the Insured, people with the knowledge or with the consent of the Insured. For info about Vehicle Insurance please call Sahabat Insurance 021-50508080.

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Omicron, symptoms and how to deal with it

Based on the results of the study, the most common characteristics that indicate a person is infected with the omicron variant of the Covid-19 infection are as follows:

1. Sore throat but no cough
A sore throat accompanied by a cough is one of the common symptoms when someone is declared infected with the Covid-19 virus.

But in the Omicron variant, the sore throat tends to be itchy, dry, even without coughing.

2. Muscle and joint pain
Reporting from the Gavi.org page, the first reports of Omicron symptoms in South Africa showed a reaction to lower back pain.

In addition, this pain also continues to spread to several other areas such as joints, and muscle pain (myalgia).

3. Fatigue
Another symptom of Omicron is fatigue so that the body becomes weak and even easily feels tired even though it is not strenuous activity.

These signs of fatigue are constant because they are usually felt by other variants of Covid-19 sufferers.

4. Headache
A painful headache accompanied by a fever like the flu is an inflammatory reaction that the body is fighting a virus.

In Omicron symptoms, this headache feels throbbing, pressured, and sometimes accompanied by a stabbing feeling of mild to severe intensity.

5. Don't lose your sense of smell
In the previous Covid-19 variant, infected patients will experience impaired sense of smell and taste.

But for the Omicron variant, it's the opposite. Patients do not lose their sense of smell and taste so they still feel normal as usual.