My car was hit by a tree, what should I do?

Terakhir Diubah : 16:24:17 - Kamis, 28 Oktober 2021

Berita - My car was hit by a tree, what should I do? - Sahabat Insurance | Solusi Lengkap Perlindungan Asuransi Anda

Heavy rains accompanied by strong winds in Jakarta have caused many trees to fall in recent times. You have to be careful when parking your favorite car on the highway, because a big tree may fall on your car. If the car is affected by a storm, can the claim be covered by the insurance? Check your insurance policy. Make sure the car has insurance with extended coverage against natural disasters, floods, hurricanes and others so that the car is protected from loss.
Call us at 021-50508080 for more info on vehicle protection.

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Virtual Account - Sahabat Insurance

Virtual Account - Sahabat Insurance

In order to improve the quality of our services, we facilitate premium payments with payment services via Virtual Account (VA) which will be listed on every insurance policy of PT Asuransi Sahabat Artha Proteksi.

A Virtual Account is a digital payment method through an account that is created virtually for each customer. To make payments, customers will be referred to their own Virtual Accounts. A Virtual Account consists of a unique customer ID (you can find it in your premium note).

Following are the procedures for payment via BCA Virtual Account (VA):

1. Open m-BCA, select “m-Transfer”.
2. Select “BCA Virtual Account”.
3. Enter the Virtual Account number  and click “OK”.
4. Input your transfer amount and click “OK”.
5. Confirm the transaction detail and click “OK”.
6. Enter m-BCA PIN.
7. Transaction is successful.

1. Insert your BCA debit card and enter your PIN.
2. Select "Other Transaction”.
3. Select "Transfer”.
4. Select "BCA Virtual Account”.
5. Input "Virtual Account Number"  select “OK”.
6. Input your transfer amount  and click “OK”.
7. Confirm the transaction detail and click “OK”.
8. Your transaction is complete.

Transfer From Other Bank 

Via Apps
1. Oper your Apps, input your code, select “Transfer”.
2. Select “Transfer - Other Bank”.
3. Select Bank BCA (014).
4. Enter your Virtual Account code on Beneficiary Account.
5. Input transfer amount, select “OK”.
6. Confirm the transaction detail, select “OK”.
7. Enter your PIN.
8. Transaction is successful.

1. Insert your card, input PIN, select “Transfer”.
2. Select “Transfer - Other Bank”.
3. Select Bank BCA (014).
4. Enter your Virtual Account code on Beneficiary Account.
5. Input transfer amount, select “OK”.
6. Confirm the transaction detail, select “OK”.
7. Enter your PIN.
8. Transaction is successful.

For more info please call Sahabat Insurance 021-50508080 or email us: [email protected]