Travel Insurance For Your Holiday!

Terakhir Diubah : 09:54:37 - Kamis, 19 Mei 2022

Berita - Travel Insurance For Your Holiday! - Sahabat Insurance | Solusi Lengkap Perlindungan Asuransi Anda

Vacations are always fun and everyone looks forward to, especially if you are always busy working every day. Then what if things happen that might happen during the trip? There may be lost baggage, trip cancellations or even accidents. This is the benefit of travel insurance to protect the trip from the risks that may occur. Let's see what are the benefits of Travel Insurance:

  1. While on vacation, there may be travel delays due to some unexpected factors, your vacation might not go smoothly. Travel insurance covers losses caused by travel delays or cancellations
  2. Accidents that result in permanent disability or even accidents that result in death during the trip.
  3. Medical needs or medical needs during the holidays.
  4. Losing your passport, money, important documents, even losing your luggage while on vacation is something you don't want but it can happen.
  5. Other travel inconveniences such as theft or unloading of baggage.
Everyone needs safety and comfort while traveling, Travel Insurance protects you from the possibility that occurs during the trip. Call us at 021-50508080 for more information.

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5 Tips for Millennial Home Buyers

As true millennials, of course you want to have a home so that you have a bright future with your family.
So if you’re a millennial looking to buy a house, here are five things you can do to make As true millennials, of course you want to have a home so that you have a bright future with your family. Here are some steps you can take to make your dream come true.

1. Check financial ability
First, prepare a balance sheet including income and expenses.

2. Create a budget
Do some research and learn about several possible ways to pay for a house other than the cash payment method. For example mortgages, or by other methods.

3. Set priorities
From an existing financial plan, make priorities so you can focus on one thing. For example, you plan to take a mortgage. So, your first focus is to fulfill the downpayment first.

4. Investment
Investment can help to develop assets against inflation. For example, for a house down payment, set aside 30% of your salary to the appropriate investment instrument. Over time, with consistency, the budget for a home down payment will be fulfilled properly.
Investment can also be an alternative choice for saving emergency funds. You can save this emergency fund in an instrument with a low level of risk.
In addition to an emergency fund, pay attention to insurance, if you are the head of the family. So, make sure that you have complete protection first, then execute your financial plan.

5. Discipline
The discipline to implement a detailed and comprehensive financial plan is very important. For example, keeping your installments under 30% of your regular salary if you take a mortgage scheme is crucial.

Note that 30% includes all existing debt repayments. So, if your main intention is to buy a house, then you should focus on this plan first.

In addition, plans to buy a house require a long-term disciplined commitment. Therefore, start being disciplined in executing your financial plan. With some of the tips above, you can try to realize your dream of buying a house. Good luck!
