Pefindo assigned a rating of “idBBB” to PT Asuransi Sahabat Artha Pr

Terakhir Diubah : 15:38:41 - Rabu, 19 Oktober 2022

Berita - Pefindo assigned a rating of “idBBB” to PT Asuransi Sahabat Artha Pr - Sahabat Insurance | Solusi Lengkap Perlindungan Asuransi Anda

JAKARTA – PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (Pefindo) assigned a rating of “idBBB” to PT Asuransi Sahabat Artha Proteksi (Sahabat Insurance). The outlook for the corporate rating is “stable”.

Through its official statement, Pefindo explained that the rating reflects an above average capitalization profile, adequate liquidity, and moderate asset quality. However, the ratings are constrained by its moderate operating performance, concentrated business profile, and intense competition in the general insurance industry.


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How to buy insurance?
You can come to the nearest Sahabat Insurance office or contact the Sahabat Insurance call center at 021-50508080 via telephone/WhatsApp by informing the insurance company of the type of assets and collateral you want. The marketing staff will inform you about the payment and documents to be prepared.

What is the difference between Comprehensive and TLO ?
Comprehensive covers damage caused by impact, collision, overturning, slipping, malicious acts, theft and fire, both for partial loss and total loss, as long as the coverage is stated in the policy and is not included in the insurance policy exceptions.
Total Loss Only (TLO) guarantees damage or loss whose repair value is equal to or more than 75% of the insurance price and total loss due to theft.

What documents need to be prepared if I want to buy car insurance?
The documents required to purchase insurance are: STNK (vehicle registration), KTP and  SPPA form or contact us via telephone/WhatsApp call center Sahabat Insurance at 021-50508080.

When do I get my policy documents?
Car insurance policies can be issued within 1-2 working days and home / property insurance can be issued within 3 working days, if the documents are complete.

When will my insurance be active and can be used?
After your insurance application is approved by the insurance company, the policy will be issued. Furthermore, the premium must be paid immediately within the time period stated in the policy. The policy will be active automatically.

What should I do if I want to claim car insurance?
Contact Sahabat Insurance call center at 021-50508080 via telephone/WhatsApp before 5 (five) working days, state your insurance policy number, fill out a claim form and prepare important documents such as a copy of the insurance policy, driver's license, STNK and other appropriate complementary documents. claim to be submitted. If the documents are complete, our surveyor will immediately be assigned to inspect your vehicle.

How do I renew my insurance policy?
Contact your marketing or Sahabat Insurance at 021-50508080 via telephone/WhatsApp during operational hours: Monday-Friday, 08.30-17.30 WIB (except holidays) before your insurance policy period ends.

How Do I Find Out My Car Insurance Expiry Date?
You can find it in your insurance policy. Apart from that, you can also contact Sahabat Insurance marketing or contact the Sahabat Insurance call center at 021-50508080 by providing the policy number or vehicle plate number.

What if my insurance policy is lost?
You can contact Sahabat Insurance marketing or call 021-50508080 to get a reprint of a copy of your insurance policy.

How Do Add-ons Enhance Car Insurance?
You can inform your car insurance marketing or call/WhatsApp Sahabat Insurance call center at 021-50508080.

How do I find my Car Insurance Authorized Workshops?
You can visit, select Daftar Bengkel menu or contact the Sahabat Insurance call center at 021-50508080 via telephone/WhatsApp during operational hours: Monday-Friday, 08.30-17.30 WIB (except holidays).

Can I get an estimate of insurance premium?
Contact your marketing or Sahabat Insurance call center at 021-50508080 via telephone/WhatsApp.
Send an email to [email protected] along with details of the assets you own and your telephone number where you can be contacted.

Safety Tips For Walking In The Rain

1. Get an Umbrella
An umbrella is useful for a variety of reasons while walking in the rain, not only will it naturally help to keep you dry, but it will also keep water out of your eyes. When water impairs your ability to see (especially if you wear glasses!), you’re more at risk of an accident. What’s more, holding an umbrella also improves your visibility, helping the drivers of surrounding vehicles to see you.

2. Wear Bright Colors
A brightly colored raincoat will serve you well when walking in the rain. Much like the umbrella (which should also be bright if possible), this utilitarian item will both keep you dry and aid in other motorists’ ability to see you. The brighter the color, the better. When it’s raining out, visibility is significantly impaired, especially for elderly drivers, but bold colors stand out and help you avoid a pedestrian accident.

3. Choose Non-Slip Shoes
Non-slip shoes (and preferably waterproof ones for your comfort) can help you get across streets safely. When streets and sidewalks are wet, slip and fall accidents may be more likely. While a slip on a sidewalk can lead to injuries, a slip in the middle of the road can be catastrophic.

4. Follow Traffic Laws
Rain or shine, you should always follow pedestrian rules of the road.

5. Using a sidewalk whenever possible
Crossing at a crosswalk when the signal indicates that it’s okay to do so
Yielding to vehicles when not crossing at a designated crossing area
Not exiting the sidewalk into the path of traffic
6. Resist Distractions
Finally, remember to put away distracting items when walking in rain. Turn off the music and tuck your cell phone safely into your pocket. When it’s raining out, approaching vehicles can be harder to both see and hear, and extra attention can be key to your safety.