Sahabat Insurance: The International Day to Combat Desertification and Drought.

Terakhir Diubah : 15:36:04 - Minggu, 18 Juni 2023

Berita - Sahabat Insurance: The International Day to Combat Desertification and Drought. - Sahabat Insurance | Solusi Lengkap Perlindungan Asuransi Anda

In commemoration of The International Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, Sahabat Insurance collaborated with the Trisakti School of Insurance to mitigate natural disaster risks by planting 2,500 mangrove seedlings at Mangrove Forest, Muara Angke, North Jakarta on Saturday, 17 June 2023. Planting mangroves can reduce shoreline erosion and can protect coastal communities from degradation, drought, high winds and waves, and tsunamis.

index.Other News

Fire Insurance (FLEXAS)

Property Insurance (FLEXAS) provides a warranty to your properties for the damages as resulted from any possible risks such as fire, lightning, explosion, aircraft falling and smoke.

Fire (fire)
Fire caused by a short circuit or electrical short circuit or due to the spread of fire from other objects, neighboring houses, tree fires and others or fire due to your own negligence or lack of care, your servant or other people such as fires due to stoves, exploding gas leaks, or cigarette butts and others.
Lightning (Lightning Strike)
Property insurance also guarantees the risk of fire caused by electric machinery, electrical or electronic equipment, and electrical installations that are burned because lightning also enters into account.

What is meant by an explosion here is the sudden release of energy due to the expansion of steam or gas. For example, steam boiler pipes or explode until leaving open rips. Terms and conditions apply.

Aircraft Impact (Fall of Airplanes)
In the unfortunate event of an aircraft crash on or near the insured property, a comprehensive fire insurance policy typically covers the resulting damage. This can include structural damage to buildings, loss of personal property, and any other destruction caused by the impact.

Smoke (Smoke)
Smoke arising from the fire of insured property. So if the smoke caused by a fire causes damage to the house or other property insured, property insurance will guarantee the loss due to the damage. (asuransiku)

Safety Tips For Walking In The Rain

1. Get an Umbrella
An umbrella is useful for a variety of reasons while walking in the rain, not only will it naturally help to keep you dry, but it will also keep water out of your eyes. When water impairs your ability to see (especially if you wear glasses!), you’re more at risk of an accident. What’s more, holding an umbrella also improves your visibility, helping the drivers of surrounding vehicles to see you.

2. Wear Bright Colors
A brightly colored raincoat will serve you well when walking in the rain. Much like the umbrella (which should also be bright if possible), this utilitarian item will both keep you dry and aid in other motorists’ ability to see you. The brighter the color, the better. When it’s raining out, visibility is significantly impaired, especially for elderly drivers, but bold colors stand out and help you avoid a pedestrian accident.

3. Choose Non-Slip Shoes
Non-slip shoes (and preferably waterproof ones for your comfort) can help you get across streets safely. When streets and sidewalks are wet, slip and fall accidents may be more likely. While a slip on a sidewalk can lead to injuries, a slip in the middle of the road can be catastrophic.

4. Follow Traffic Laws
Rain or shine, you should always follow pedestrian rules of the road.

5. Using a sidewalk whenever possible
Crossing at a crosswalk when the signal indicates that it’s okay to do so
Yielding to vehicles when not crossing at a designated crossing area
Not exiting the sidewalk into the path of traffic
6. Resist Distractions
Finally, remember to put away distracting items when walking in rain. Turn off the music and tuck your cell phone safely into your pocket. When it’s raining out, approaching vehicles can be harder to both see and hear, and extra attention can be key to your safety.