The Signs of a Gas Leak In Your Home
Terakhir Diubah : 15:52:05 - Jumat, 04 Maret 2022
Do you know the signs of a gas leak in your home? Check it out below: The gas emits a pungent odor and a hissing sound, if this happens immediately turn off the stove Fire is not blue Gas runs out fast No need to be afraid, immediately unplug the gas regulator carefully, keep the gas cylinder away from sources of fire such as stoves and then open the door or window so that there is air exchange. When the smell is strong, get out of the room immediately so you don't inhale harmful gases. For Home Insurance call 021-50508080
index.Other News
Payment Fraud Prevention - Sahabat Insurance
Payment Fraud Prevention
- To make payments, payment must be made only to the PT Asuransi Sahabat Artha Proteksi (Sahabat Insurance) bank account number.
- Customers will be referred to their own Virtual Accounts. A Virtual Account consists of a unique customer ID number (please find it on your Sahabat Insurance’ premium note).
- Therefore, please avoid attempting to transact other than Sahabat Insurance bank account number, as it may lead to cancellation policy.
- If you encounter any suspicious transaction, please report it immediately.For more info please call 021-50508080, chat via WA 021-50508080 or email us [email protected]